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Visitors 3300
Modified 1-Dec-17
Created 20-May-10
30 photos

Here's a few panels we do for samples and for our show display plus a few odds and ends.
Devil BikerHow bouta little headJungle QeenVAMPIRE GIRLGirl and Ghouls white base before colorGirl and GhoulsTreasure ChestBoruff's GarageSkull (breather cover)ScreamerCaptain ChromeGreen GoblinSnakes & Skull (white base)Snakes & skull (final)MJ...prisoner of the Green Goblin"Grim Reaper" Glass Etch 1"Grim Reaper" Glass Etch 2"Grim Reaper" Glass Etch 4"Grim Reaper" Glass Etch 4Tom Flynn's Racing Lawnmover "Tommy Gun"

Guestbook for Panels and other Oddities
Dawn Minton(non-registered)
Beatiful! You take pride in your work, it shows.
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